Kingswood BUZZard

The official Newsletter of the Kingswood Golf Estate HOA

June 2021 Edition #4

From the CEO

Hello and welcome to the second edition of our 2021 Kingswood BUZZard. Despite all the challenges we had to endure in 2020, and continue to experience in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our community at Kingswood remains resilient and positive. The first half of 2021 zipped by and, apart from load shedding and municipal strikes, I have a very positive outlook for the remainder of the year.

As many of you know, my family went through some intense trials since 3 February this year with the near drowning of my 14-year-old daughter, Anelda. The Kingswood community banded together through the initiatives of some very special homeowners (Roy Edge, Ginny Schoombie, Elizma Joubert, Michelle Witts- Hewinson and Jenny Barbour), who arranged two golf days and a five-kilometer community walk to benefit the Anelda Jacobs fund. What a wonderful privilege it is to be involved in and associated with the Kingswood Estate, and especially the Kingswood home owner community. I take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your generosity and kindness. We as a family are truly humbled by it.

The estate has seen an unprecedented increase in building activity over the last few months, which is very positive for the growth and property value of the estate, but it’s not without its frustrations due to traffic congestion, verge damage, noise, dust, etc. We will manage contractor compliance as well as we can, but we request your indulgence and patience while your future neighbours and community members are building their dream homes on our beautiful estate.

The gatehouse building received a new coat of paint, inside and out, and the building has been refurbished in accordance with our agreement with Kingswood Golf Operations in 2019, when the golf course and related assets were bought by the homeowners. I invite you to visit the restaurant and enjoy a coffee, drink, and/ or wonderful meal prepared by the hard-working staff, under the guidance of their newly appointed chef, Vince.

The golf course is looking better than ever, due to the hard work and dedication of the course maintenance staff and management. Kingswood will be hosting a Pro- Am golf tournament later this year, bringing some well-known golfing professionals to our estate. Expenses are well managed, apart from some unexpected surprises, like the collapse of the dam wall at the 7th hole, and higher-than-expected maintenance and electricity costs.

The estate continues to invest in the maintenance and upgrading of our asset infrastructure – roads, security fences, stormwater system, and private open spaces – to ensure the enjoyment of these assets long into the future.

Let us charge forward this year with the hope and belief of better days to come. Let us also not lose sight of the many, many blessings we have been given. Keep the faith and hold tight to that bold and unshakeable resilience. That is how we will create a better future.

I hope you enjoy this issue of the Kingswood BUZZard. Stay safe and stay healthy.

Autumn is upon us and the sun is rising later and setting earlier with the swallows already having migrated back to Europe.

The estate is looking better than ever and, judging from the record amount of active building sites, the estate is growing at a rapid pace. Our Phase 4 development is enjoying the most activity from a construction perspective and this phase will arguably be the fastest-developing phase in the history of Kingswood. Together with rapid development, we have also seen a remarkable increase in property values at Kingswood.

The average selling price of houses in Kingswood has grown substantially and investment in Kingswood property has been shown to outperform most other investment vehicles.

The year started off early, with a general meeting of the members held on 27 January, where the majority of homeowners voted in favour of the construction of a community centre/clubhouse. This project is progressing swiftly and further updates on the project will be provided on a regular basis. The excitement is building the closer we get to design freeze and the submission of a site development plan to the municipal authorities.

The other major project we are busy with is the security upgrade project, which took months of hard work and expert input to finalise. It is full speed ahead, after final approval by the trustees, with this important project, and homeowners will soon be informed of certain aspects of the project as it pertains to access control. More on the detail and various projects further on in this newsletter.

The HOA and HOA Properties staff are working tirelessly to ensure that the estate and golf course remain in a pristine condition, with various improvement projects underway throughout the estate, ensuring that the estate’s infrastructure is maintained and improved. Thank you to our dedicated staff who sometimes work under challenging conditions – your commitment is appreciated. Homeowners are requested to report any damaged or broken infrastructure and estate property immediately to avoid further damage and to ensure functionality.

I hope you enjoy the articles prepared for you in this edition of the BUZZard.

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Please note, The newsletter is designed like a magazine, the articles and images flow over two or more pages.

Kingswood Newsletter June 2021 Jun 2021

Kingswood greetings,

Willem Jacobs

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Kingswood BUZZard News

Anelda’s at home, and that’s all that matters

4 min readCEO of Kingswood Golf Estate Willem Jacobs says there are countless reasons why his daughter has a better chance at recovery when cared for in the comfort of her own room – and the home owners of Kingswood Estate, along with George’s golfing fraternity, are giving their all to contribute to the astronomical costs of this close-to-home campaign.

Giving Thanks

3 min readGinny Schoombie was the driving force behind the team responsible for ensuring the roaring success of the recent fundraising weekend for Anelda Jacobs – daughter of Kingswood Golf Estate CEO, Willem Jacobs.

A Kingswood excursion with Michelle Witts-Hewinson

2 min readAs the multitude of walkers – both adults and children, and many with dogs in tow – took to the five-kilometre route of the Anelda Jacobs fundraising walk on Friday 14 May, Michelle Witts-Hewinson gave us the opportunity to have a first-hand look-see of the sprawling Kingswood Estate.

HOA in Action

< 1 min readThis was indeed the case on Friday May 14 when hanging with Dan de Wet – part of the furniture at Kingswood Golf Estate for the past 10 years and serving as Community Facilities Manager to the Home Owners Association.

Kingswood HOA

2 min readThe window that ‘frames the course’, according to interior designer pictured left Idonia Chandler, is one of the most significant and aesthetically pleasing aspects of the refurbished gatehouse.

Security Update – Perimeter fencing

3 min readService provider par excellence, Paul Mitchell is contracted by Kingswood HOA to do all repairs and maintenance on the estate’s electric fencing atop the extensive 12-kilometre perimeter fence.

Elvis has left the building

3 min readArguably the most widely celebrated resident of Kingswood Golf Estate, Jan Hoogendyk (aka Elvis Blue) shot to fame in 2010 when he won M-Net’s Idols, and – with three platinum and two gold albums – he has since become one of South Africa’s most commercially successful artistes.

Kingswood’s Owls

2 min readAs featured in the previous edition of Kingswood BUZZard, resident Pieter Steyn and his family enjoy the rare privilege of a bird’s-eye view into the daily (and nightly) comings and goings of a pair of owls that have nested in one of their flower pots – and his reportage on the subject has now gained national exposure.

Kingswood’s Wild Residents

3 min readAll the wildlife that calls Kingswood home is important to Dan de Wet, Kingswoods Community and Facilities Manager. The biggest of these animals are the caracal that traverse the fairways and roughs during the course of their nocturnal forays, and the springbok that are regularly sighted by residents.

Cryptocurrencies and home loans

3 min readBack in 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 bitcoins – worth about $446 million (R6.207 million) at current prices – for two pizzas. It’s thought to be the first commercial cryptocurrency transaction.

Privatisation of service provision

5 min readRecent events indicate the emergence of an alternative model for the management of services like water and waste. Several separate initiatives are under way, currently unconnected, but all moving in a similar direction.

Rules and Regulations

3 min readRules are the glue that keeps an estate from breaking down into anarchy – but they can also be the cause conflict, so they need to be handled with care. And one of the most important aspects of keeping the rules is that everyone knows them. Everyone!

The best Cheesecake in the world

4 min readI love cheesecake, and always have, but – as I discovered one rainy night in Wilderness – there is cheesecake, and then there is cheesecake. Aidan’s cheesecake is cheesecake.

Running down the fences

3 min readIn the last edition of The BUZZard, we had a look at the Eden to Addo megahike – a fundraiser for the Eden to Addo Corridor. Now the Eden to Addo Corridor is a great initiative, but it could be better – or, at least, longer.

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