Kingswood BUZZard
The official Newsletter of the Kingswood Golf Estate HOA
September 2022 Edition #9
From the CEO
Welcome to the 2022 Spring edition of the BUZZard
Spring is probably my favourite season. Right after the cold of winter, everything is just beginning to wake up and turn from brown to green, and it’s like a rebirth of the beautiful thing we call nature. Mother Nature has had her beauty rest and is ready to wake up and show us what she can do. Life explodes, trees are blooming, birds are nesting, flowers are blossoming, new springbok lambs are born, and there is new life everywhere.
Since the AGM in June, the Kingswood teams have been very busy implementing strategy and executing operationally. A project manager was appointed to drive a feasibility study into the proposed community centre/clubhouse, and good progress is being made in this regard. See more information about this in this edition of the BUZZard.
The security and risk subcommittee of the board worked tirelessly with our security service provider to implement security improvements on the estate. See more detail about this from Chris Horsley (chairman of the committee) later in this edition. I am happy to report, however, that we implemented a security infrastructure maintenance agreement with Fidelity-
ADT as from 1 September.
Our current five-year landscaping contract is drawing to a close at the end of October, so we issued a request for proposal (RFP) to entities interested in tendering for our landscaping contract for the next five years. We involved experts in the field of horticulture to assess our current and future (five years) landscaping needs, and to help us draft a comprehensive scope of work, which formed the basis of our RFP. We received amazing interest from the market, and the tender adjudication committee is currently considering six high-quality tenders, as well as our current service provider, Golfscape. The new landscaping contract will take effect from 1 November 2022. I will report on the appointment of the service provider for the next five years in our December BUZZard.
As part of the restructuring plan of the HOA, Mornay Stoop has been appointed from 1 September as operational manager for the HOA. He will be looking after the day-to-day monitoring of security, landscaping, the environmental management plan, and estate maintenance. Mornay will also be responsible for house rule and contractor compliance. See more detail about Mornay in this issue.
Dan de Wet, our estate stalwart for the past 11 years, will remain an integral part of the HOA staff. He will, however, now be focusing his attention solely on the architectural compliance at Kingswood, working closely with homeowners, contractors and architects to ensure that our architectural themes are maintained and that building plans submitted comply with our strict guidelines at all times.
Our loved receptionist, Masadi le Roux, is pregnant and will be on maternity leave from mid-October this year to take care of their little baby boy. We wish her a happy and restful maternity leave. Feel free to pop in at HOA reception to wish her well for the big day.
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Please note, The newsletter is designed like a magazine, the articles and images flow over two or more pages.
Kingswood greetings,
Willem Jacobs
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