5 Ways of protecting yourself from Cyber-attacks while travelling

Travellers are easy targets of cybercrime 

By Angelique Ruzicka - 24 May 2023


2 min read

Travelers, regardless of whether they are doing it for business or leisure, are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. These types of attacks can take place anytime, anywhere – even on holiday or during a business trip.  

But there are ways to prevent becoming a victim of cyber attacks. Here’s how:  

Use the hotel Wi-Fi sparingly

If you use a public internet connection you run the risk of being exposed to cyber criminals. Hackers can use a hotel’s Wi-Fi to steal travelers’ passwords and personal information. This can be done by installing malicious malware or creating a fake, unprotected Wi-Fi hotspot and stealing private information.

‘To avoid being hacked through hotel Wi-Fi, travelers must take a few steps. First, ask the person at the reception desk to give the exact name and password for the provided Wi-Fi to avoid connecting with the “evil twin” network. Second, use a VPN service to encrypt your data and prevent third parties from intercepting it. It is always a good idea to enable a firewall while using public Wi-Fi, says NordVPN’s Andrianus Warmerhoven.

2. Don’t use a USB charger

Juice hacking, simply put, is where hackers steal personal data from electronic devices when you’re using a public charging station. So if you’re tempted to use your hotel’s USB charger – think twice, as you could be opening yourself up to this type of crime. To prevent this from happening, use a socket instead.

‘Safe device charging on your way to your vacation spot might be challenging because you must carry a power bank or USB data blocker, but hotel rooms always have a socket. Usually, it’s the safest way to charge your devices,’ says Warmenhoven.

3. Be careful when using smart TVs

A hacked smart TV can be used to conduct a number of cyber crimes such as stealing personal details, stealing log in data, and cyberstalking. Don’t log in with your personal details and keep the smart TV unplugged from the power sources when you’re not using it. Alternatively, cover any webcams.


4. Prepare or avoid potential phishing attacks

Phishing attacks are a common tactic used by cybercriminals to steal sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, and bank card details. These can take the form of fake emails, text messages, or social media posts. Some travellers are more susceptible to these types of attacks as they typically put their guard down while on holiday.

Be careful of any unsolicited messages, especially if they ask for personal information. Don’t click on any links or download any attachments from an unknown source. Double check a sender’s email address and confirm the legitimacy of the email if you are still unsure.

5. Protect your devices from any physical theft

Physical theft is another easy way for cybercriminals to target travellers. By stealing your electronic devices like your laptops, smartphones or tablets, they can get access to sensitive data.

To avoid physical theft always keep your devices close to you or in a secure location like a hotel safe. Make sure you have enabled any Lock Screen features, use a strong passcode or use biometric authentication such as facial recognition or fingerprint scanning for another added layer of protection.

Cyber criminals are always looking for new ways to target victims and vacationers and business travellers are easy targets because they are literally in unfamiliar territory. By taking the necessary precautions, such as using a VPN, being cautious and securing devices you can protect yourself from cyber attacks.

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