Estate Living talking levies with Marina Constas BBM Law

By Estate Living - 16 Mar 2020


< 1 min read

Understand your right and obligations when it comes to levy payment. The community living levies series with Marina Constas aims to assist owners and tenant with sectional title developments and homeowner associations.

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2 thoughts on “Estate Living talking levies with Marina Constas BBM Law”

  1. I live in a block of sectional title flats and we have 2 units that have been in arrears with their levies since 2016/17. We even changed managing agent with the hope that the money will be recovered but with no success. The excuse from the managing agent is always ( there is a delay in the court or the documents was misplaced) pls help

  2. Hello Marina, The chairperson of our BC is in arrears to the tune of R74,000 which is over a years’ levies. The MA appears to be soft on this case and this person has been doing this for years. How do we remedy the situation once and for all?

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