How do you effectively complain to the Consumer Goods and Services Ombud?

Dealing with complaints

By Angelique Ruzicka - 24 Mar 2023
How do you effectively complain to the Consumer Goods and Services Ombud?


3 min read

It’s been ten years since the Consumer Goods & Services Ombud (CGSO) was introduced. The CGSO gives ordinary South Africans the ability to turn to an independent industry body to help resolve disputes in the consumer goods and services sector.  

It’s compulsory for qualifying suppliers to register with the CGSOP and pay participation fees to help fund the body. Since inception, the number of participants has grown from 24 founding companies to 1,450 as at the end of February 2023. Participants include some of the major retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors.  

Over this last decade, the CGSO has dealt with more than 66,438 complaints and responded to 170,344 calls. A great benefit of this body is that it cuts out any legal fees that consumers would have to pay to take on major retailers. So what are the other benefits of the CGSO and how can you ensure that you make a successful complaint with this industry body? 

Success has been challenging 

The CGSO admits that successes over the last ten years have been hard-won. Difficult times have included a five-year legal challenge to the constitutional validity of the industry Code of Conduct and the CGSO’s powers to charge annual participation fees. But legal battles have resulted in the CGSO’s code of conduct keeping its validity. 

Typical complaints 

According to the CGSO spokesperson, the majority of complaints (from 1 March 2022 to 31 January 2023) come from the following categories: online transactions, electrical appliance, and telecoms sectors.  

The biggest bugbears according to the CGSO’s 2022 annual report included goods not being delivered on time, goods becoming defective within six months, and poor customer service. Most of the complaints (49%) were from Gauteng, while 18% came from the Western Cape and 13% from KwaZulu Natal. The Northern Cape made up the least number of complaints at 1%.  

According to data from TransUnion, the most dangerous time to shop online is during or just ahead of the holiday season. TransUnion found that globally, 17.5% of recorded e-commerce transactions were flagged as suspicious during the pre-Christmas shopping season.  


‘Insofar as possible complainants should submit any supporting documents such as proof of purchase and as much evidence as they have in favour of the complainant,’ adds the spokesperson.  

Complaints are typically resolved within 60 business days. But the spokespersons adds: ‘Certain complex cases make take longer to resolve. Our average days to close cases over the last year was about 40 business days.’

Successful complaining 

So what else can you do to ensure your complaints are a success? Here are a few tips that we found useful to abide by:  

  1. Make sure you complain in writing and are clear about what it is you are dissatisfied with. Ideally, put your complaint in writing instead of making a call so that you have evidence of your complaint. Suggest a solution.
  2. Make sure that you highlight how you would like your complaint to be addressed. Would you, for instance, be happy with a refund, an apology, or a replacement item? Give the company a deadline in which to respond.  
  3. Don’t lose your temper or make it personal. Escalate the complaint by asking to speak to a more senior manager if you’re not being taken seriously by call centre agents, etc.  
  4. Before approaching the CGSO try and see if you can resolve the complaint with the service provider or seller of a product first. If they don’t listen to you after a call or email, take your complaint online on social media.  
  5. Submit evidence. For example, if a faulty washing machine has ruined your floor take pictures and submit them with your complaint.  
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