Landscape construction


3 min read

Brand image is everything. We understand the importance of this, which is why we ensure that your image reflects perfection and elegance.

Our experience in design, installation, maintenance and management of landscapes has developed our capabilities in greening your environment with our artistic landscaping. We manage all aspects, from breaking ground to the completion of the project, whether it is natural plant-scaping or artificial turf.

The environment and its integrity is important to us, so our dedicated in-house environmental department will complete an environmental impact assessment, to ensure that it is looked after.

Our services

We can deal with every aspect of your landscaping, in a variety of contexts.

  • Industrial areas do not have to be cold and sterile. Even just a few carefully placed containers will bring life into workspaces, soften the hard edges, and create little oases of quiet in the midst of even the most phrenetic activity.
  • Landscape construction is our core competence. We have created beautiful, sustainable landscapes – both big and small – for a range of domestic, corporate and estate clients.
  • Water features and dams are more than just decorative. As well as creating a soothing focal point, they actively contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem health.
  • Irrigation systems can make all the differnce between a gorgeous green space and a somewhat tired and crisp environment. We can install discreet, subtle and water-efficient irrigation systems in large or small spaces – and you can choose between fully automated and fully manual, and almost anything in between.
  • Transplanting of large trees is not easy, but it’s something we have a lot of experience with. Let’s face it – sometimes you buy a piece of land with the most beautiful trees, but they’re in the wrong place. No problem. We can fix that.
  • Wetlands are a fabulous asset to any estate, but they need to be carefully managed and integrated into the landscape to ensure optimum ecosystem health and to contribute to watershed health and biodiversity.
  • Boulevards can be boring, but they don’t have to be. We can create avenues of attractive trees, or islands of colourful flowers, or even seemingly ‘wild’ verges.
  • Tennis courts are a wonderful addition to any estate. From a single court to a carefully planned tennis precinct, we can make your tennis facilities an attractive part of the overall landscape.
  • Golf courses require a high level of careful, consistent maintenance, and we’ve been doing just that for years.
  • Sport fields are a great addition to your estate – whether it’s a polo field for international competitions, or a soccer pitch for Friday night in-estate pick-up games, we can ensure that it remains looking at its best.
  • Urban parks are the green lungs that take the hard edge off cities – and they are places where people can stop for a moment, take a deep breath, smell the daisies, watch the birds, and restore their calm. We have been caring for, and designing, urban parks for years.
  • Play areas are vital for the mental (and physical) health of children, but also for the mental health of adults. Kids need a place that is theirs – where they can run around, and just ‘be kids’. We understand how to design these spaces so that they are sufficiently robust to withstand the onslaught, and – even more important – sufficiently intriguing to create scenarios for a range of fantastic adventures.
  • Rooftop gardens make incredibly good use of what is often ‘wasted’ space – whether as a ‘roof-scaped’ entertainment area, or a vegetable garden, your roof can be made to contribute immensely to your overall quality of life.
  • Vertical gardens are such a great idea when you have limited space. A green wall in an otherwise quite sterile building gives a sense of light and life, and vertical picking gardens on balconies or patios are a great way to ensure that you get your five-a-day at their freshest.
  • Hard-scaping is unavoidable in some spaces and for some purposes, but it doesn’t have to be boring. We can create attractive hard-scaped surfaces, and can also – where appropriate – install permeable ‘hard’ surfaces.
  • Composting systems are an essential way of constructively utilising garden and kitchen waste, and composting is one of the most effective ways of reducing your carbon footprint. We can create and/or install small or large composting systems, and also carefully landscape them so that they don’t visually impinge on the aesthetic appeal of the area.
  • Greenhouses can be the most beautiful spaces. While their primary purpose is to create a micro-climate for growing delicate plants (or to create a monkey- and/or baboon-free space to grow vegetables), they can also be fabulous relaxation and/or entertaining spaces.

Landscape construction

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