Who says what, to whom and where? Communication has never been more far-reaching, available and sometimes untameable. Here below we discuss how quickly things are changing in the way we communicate, valuable aspects to consider moving forward, and a few tips on how to vet new platforms in order to keep a handle on online dialogue.
Delivering accurate information while encouraging engagement is a constant challenge in any residential community. Social media groups like WhatsApp and Facebook seem to pop up everywhere, whether the HOA approves of, or even knows about them. Residents and home owners create spaces on platforms among themselves with the best of intentions, but what happens when conversations get out of hand? What happens when these platforms change their terms and conditions? What happens to the archived data when the use of these free platforms becomes unsustainable?
Let’s be honest, when we found out that WhatsApp was changing their terms and conditions, very few of us deleted the app. Most of us added other apps like Telegram and/or Signal to our list of messaging tools, thereby increasing the number of platforms used on a daily basis. Adding more and more apps only fragments our attention, and induces a subtle but potent fatigue. Keeping track of where to speak and with whom is becoming increasingly complicated.
Facebook is attempting to come to the rescue by planning for a merger between Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram. At first glance, this sounds like a great solution, but there is so much to consider. What happens to the metadata from these conversations? Can these platforms be hacked? Is the data really encrypted throughout, or does the data become vulnerable when uploaded to the Cloud or Google Drive? Do the admins of social media groups understand that there are potential legal consequences to the conversations taking place? And the list goes on …
With so many moving parts – like independent platforms, merging platforms and changing terms and conditions – it is imperative that every residential community considers the implications moving forward. Whether you are a resident, home owner or estate admin, the communication platform used is of the utmost importance.
Communicating a thought, opinion or request is one thing, but communicating it to the correct person via the correct channel – and being assured of a suitable response or outcome – is quite another.
Estate management must really consider regaining control by implementing a closed-circuit platform – a space in which the data belongs to the estate, where the data is protected, where conversations can be mediated, and where documents and information are shared accurately and confidentially.
A closed-circuit platform and mobile application should include functionality such as direct messaging (to individuals or groups), notices and events communications, issues and fault reporting capabilities, and forums that can be categorised for specific conversation topics with moderation rights assigned to a dedicated forum manager.
Every estate must really consider the importance of phasing out free social media platforms, and implementing a solution that puts the control back in the hands of estate management. When shopping for closed-circuit community portal platforms, it is also vital to consider the longevity of the tech company powering it. Longevity and reputation are priceless metrics when vetting any supplier and their products. Be sure to ask questions about their security protocols, data ownership and moderation features.
The points raised above are not measurable line items in the yearly budget report, but they are valid and costly nonetheless.
Who is to say how much the privacy of your data is actually worth? How do you accurately calculate time spent by estate admins and HOAs switching apps and jumping from one group to another? How much time is wasted by not using automated behaviours to communicate with residents and homeowners? Who can measure the cost of decreasing morale in the estate due to conversations getting out of hand? What is the true cost of a bad rumour on the estate that unpredictably spreads like wildfire?
And so to recap: your estate will never have as little data as it does today. As each day goes by, more data is created and archived, someplace. So, moving forward, it is utterly imperative to find a good closed-circuit solution from a technology provider with a solid reputation and longevity. Be sure to ask about encryption, data ownership and automated features.
Implement this as soon as possible, and take control now in order to enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.