A veritable army of specialists takes care of the many aspects and areas in constant need of maintenance at Kingswood Golf Estate. The interesting facts and figures below make for a riveting read …
A full-time contractor is tasked with the upkeep of the 14 kilometres of fencing that serves as KGE’s perimeter, along with headwalls and related structures, according to Kingswood CEO Willem Jacobs.
‘When taking the extent of this electrified perimeter into account, it makes sense that preventative work is carried out on a daily basis, to ensure that nothing interferes with the current, or otherwise we risk breeching our efficient security measures,’ he explains.
How many, how long, how strong a security force …?
The 14 kilometres of estate fencing enclose an interior road network of a full 32 kilometres. The property is serviced by 16 security staff employees who are tasked, among other duties, with regulating the approximately 3,000 vehicles that comprise the traffic coming through the estate’s four entrance gates on a daily basis.
‘If one employs the average of three passengers per vehicle, it means that about 9,000 people access the estate every day. At last count, that figure includes the approximately 100 golfers off-peck periods and 260 – 300 golfers during peak periods, who arrive for the sole purpose of playing the course,’ says Willem.
On human families and creature counts
The estate is currently home to about 484 families. When one considers the calculations recently thrashed out by the Kingswood Board of Trustees and other role-players responsible for the strategic planning that will guide all future decisions, an interesting picture emerges.
‘Expected growth projections over the next five to seven years indicate that ultimately, around 3,000 residents will be housed on the estate. This means that, in the not-too-distant future, we will have outgrown the population of many small towns over the length of breadth of South Africa,’ says Willem.
When it comes to Kingswood’s much-treasured fauna, it’s impossible to peg a definitive number per species, but according to community management ace Dan de Wet, small game sightings include otters, porcupine, mongoose, caracal, bushbuck, springbok, and at least 50 identified bird species.
As custodian of Kingswood’s prised herd of springbok, Dan is also a keen observer of the small game and feathered friends so highly appreciated by the majority of residents.
Buildings and construction equate billions
The number of completed homes on the estate today totals 493, while 41 houses are currently under construction. When pondering the property’s complete value, no total figure is bandied about by Kingswood management. But it’s fair to surmise that it’s long surpassed the 10-figure mark.
‘But of all the figures that come into play when we constantly tally the numbers, the one that really counts for everyone with an interest or investment in Kingswood Estate is the fact that we have experienced a 32% increase in property values over the past five years,’ says Willem.