Understand your estate’s security

By Verifier - 5 Feb 2021


2 min read

One of the appeals of residential estates is the idea that everything is already taken care of – from the manicured lawns and communal facilities to the security that keeps you safe. When it comes to security, however, you shouldn’t take everything at face value. Keeping an estate secure isn’t as simple as flicking a light switch: on/off, yes/no, safe/unsafe.

Security is a continuously evolving and complex undertaking, and not merely a neatly packaged selling point for an estate. Security is a verb, not a noun in this context, it is a ‘doing’ word. It’s therefore important for estate managers to keep residents informed on security risks, and the approaches they are taking to reduce these risks. So the question arises: ‘How well informed are you, as a resident, about the security situation of your estate?’

Managing expectations

There is often a discrepancy between buyer expectation upon purchase, and what is actually provided at estates. New residents believe that they are effectively buying security so there will be no crime, and after moving in, they often don’t have another thought about security, believing it to be a done deal upon purchase. But how can people really get the security they are sold on if they don’t engage further?


There is money to be made in an image of safety and security. While this may sound bleak, and this article doesn’t aim to berate the security measures at every estate, it is important to recognise that, as we have noticed, collusion and cover-ups are not as uncommon as one may think. Residential interaction is therefore vital to create a solid security foundation at any estate. You need accurate information from a reliable source to make correct security decisions for your community, whether you live in an estate or not.

Ways to stay informed

  • Just because you’re in an estate, doesn’t mean it’s any different from other neighbourhood watch groups. WhatsApp/Telegram/Estate App groups are a great way to quickly get information from your neighbours about unfolding situations.
  • Make sure that you get monthly/bi-monthly security reports of any incidents or trends, especially when things seem quiet. Don’t become another statistic because you thought security was someone else’s job; it’s the responsibility of every member of a community to maintain their security.
  • Make sure your estate manager knows that this is what you want; if you don’t ask for something, you’ll never get it. This may also prevent complacency on the behalf of on-site staff, and encourage a more active reporting and response approach with more thorough data collection. This data collection can help identify weak spots in your system’s security.
  • Ensure the information you’re getting is accurate and impartial, and from an independent source. While the majority of on-site security personnel are decent and upstanding, human error is always possible, and – unfortunately – collusion can happen.

How Verifier can help

While this may seem overwhelming, this is why Verifier exists.  We aim to provide technologically advanced and streamlined monitoring, provide accurate and effective feedback from an independent source, and to stay up to date with the latest industry standards so that we can provide you with relevant advice.

Our managed services offering incorporates all aspects of security relevant to estates and beyond. From artificial intelligence-driven perimeter detection, access control and CCTV to alarm and fire monitoring, we cover all your bases, providing comprehensive reports of the estate’s security to management and residents alike. Stay informed, stay safe.

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