Virtual AGMs may be force majeure for now, but there’s a good chance they become the new normal. So let’s make it easy.
Don’t postpone, go virtual
You can’t delay having the much-needed community meetings and AGMs for much longer, so virtual AGMs are more important than ever. And it’s easy with EstateMate. We even have a secure voting feature, so you can get decisions made and approved, and take action as necessary.
Easy virtual AGMs
For your virtual AGM you can choose between Zoom, Google Meets and WhatsApp calls – and we will add any new platforms as they evolve. You can send push notifications to all your members and/or residents, and include the link through the EstateMate app. The app will also send automatic reminders so that all residents and owners are aware of the upcoming AGM and can join with ease.
They will all be able to talk about relevant agenda items, so everyone can have their say.
Have your say
And, of course, everyone can have their vote. When the time comes for important decisions to be made, our voting feature makes it simple:
- Select the residents who are present at the meeting to receive the votes.
- Detail what the vote will be about, and select up to five different options.
- Send the vote out immediately.
- Everyone on the call, or at the meeting, can have their say right there and then without anyone else knowing what their choice was.
- The app then calculates the results, and provides you with the outcome in a pie chart as seen below.
There is no limit to the number of votes you can create, which means that every item on the AGM agenda can be attended to and dealt with easily.