Water is life, and it is second only to air as the most essential substance for the continuation of life. So ensuring that your residents have a reliable, safe, measurable water supply is one of the most important functions of estate managers.
What you can’t measure, you can’t manage
We can no longer deny the fact that South Africa is a water-constrained country, as there are very few municipalities that have not, over the last few years experienced – or been threatened with – drought, water delivery constraints and/or the looming spectre of Day Zero. In each of these cases, municipalities have responded with draconian water rates increases in order to limit consumption. This is a logical and successful strategy. So, in the face of the severe financial penalties for ‘excess’ consumption, accurate measurement is more important than ever. This is where a service provider like PEC comes to the rescue.
PEC’s incoming water metering solution
PEC can supply accurate water metering for your estate – both for the total water coming in from the municipality, and also for the water consumed by each individual home or unit. The former is key, as it is here that the estate can save money by avoiding punitive rates. PEC’s smart check meter can supply data to the offsite PEC meter data management system that will record consumption at 30-minute intervals, so you can monitor consumption. In addition, smart alert protocols will help you to proactively manage losses. The data thus recorded can be used to support your case if you should become involved in a dispute with local authorities.
PEC’s outgoing water metering solution
While measuring incoming water consumption is essential, it is equally important – if not more important – that you are able to accurately measure the water consumption of each individual home or unit on the estate. PEC’s smart metering solutions can be combined with a revenue-collecting system for billed and/or prepaid systems. This offers peace of mind to residents, as they can see and control their consumption, and also to estate management, as they are relieved of the administrative burden of billing and revenue collection.