Women in Sectional Title (WiST) is a platform that focuses on connecting, supporting and uplifting women in the sectional title industry with the aim of uniting them in a vibrant and collaborative community.
Since its inception in September 2020, WiST has grown from strength to strength. This success is largely due the topical nature of the subjects discussed at each month’s webinar along with the expert speakers willing to join WiST’s esteemed panels.
WiST is a platform for everyone who lives, owns, and works in the sectional title industry or any related field including managing agents, trustees and owners, estate agents, property developers and investors, legal professionals, and students who may aspire to a career in sectional title.
WiST strives to promote diversity, equality and professionalism in sectional title in South Africa. By creating awareness of sectional title, and making it more accessible and appealing to young women, our vision is to build a skilled, representative sectional title community that is enriched by diversity so everyone in it can thrive and grow.
Founding member and director at BBM Law, Marina Constas, identified a need in the industry for a platform where women in the industry could not only find relevant information but where they could raise the questions and concerns that they may not have been able to raise on other forums – a safe space to highlight issues where they need assistance and a community of like-minded women who are there to support and encourage each other.
Marina is the co-author of a South African book on sectional title property issues, “Demystifying Sectional Title” as well as a sought-after speaker at sectional title workshops, a regular contributor to magazines and newspapers, and a popular guest on radio stations and television shows.
Without the support of industry leaders, WiST would not have been able to thrive in the way it has over the last 18 months. This support has come from their very first sponsor, ZDFin, and other sponsors who have shown incredible support and loyalty – Prominent Paints, BCMTrac, CIA, MeetingPal, Sectional Title Solutions and WeconnectU.
Visit their website for more information or to watch recordings of previous webinars – – and join their database to receive information about their upcoming events.